Friday, April 27, 2012

The Legacy of Time

We are all subject to it.  No one escapes it.  We are slaves to it.  Yet, none of us - at least those who have a firm; OK relatively firm; grasp on reality are willing to stop it.

What is IT?

Time.  That one element all men and women are tied-to and equal from beginning to end.  Everyone has the same amount of time - no matter whom you are; where you come from; what you believe; how you got here; when you arrive or depart.  We all bow to the same tick of the clock.

Our past is the time - spent and seen - in our rear-view mirror. And it's a really good idea to check it once in a while; actually more often than that, but at least once-in-a-while.

The more we seek out the wisdom from the 'rear-view-mirror', the more we're likely to avoid the same - or similar - pitfalls of the past.  Whether we made them; some relative from the past; or other close associated relationship; knowing what didn't work before can help us avoid the same problems in the future. 

This is another piece of advice we'd do well in keeping close-at-mind: 

Everything recycles, returns, shows back up at our front door looking for a decision.

This is another bit of rear-view-mirror-gemology where Heritagekeeping is strong on:
Making the case for archiving the lessons of the past, so they will be available to those future travelers to consult with as they proceed along the Path of Life. 

Heritagekeeping is the gift that keeps on giving.

Joins us in the Quest.  You only have the future of humanity to effect.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Literary Connections

Michigan trout stream ... mind salve
My good friend and fellow aquatic hauntee, George Jacox, posted earlier today about books, specifically fly-fishing books he liked.  He elaborated a bit on his main thesis.  George's post drew a rather agreeable comment from our common friend, William (Bill) Schudlich.  Bill's comments got me to thinking.  First off I just had to make this comment:

Shoot, y'all just named half my 'special selections' library'.
As well as the Maclean books - I re-read each of Middelton's book's mentioned by Sir Willie of Schudville .. and I do hope one day to get a copy of Rivers of Memory.  I so want to read this book! And - if I my ship stops sinking - MAYBE - a copy of, The Starlight Creek Angling Society! I would love to own this book. But I would just like to actually see, hold and read one!
I also totally agree that Traver (real name: John Voelker) books and stories are must reads; with Trout Madness and Trout Magic list high. Voelker was a personal friend of my good friend and colleague from the Traverse City , MI area, Dave Richey. When you speak with a person who actually had, on-the-water/in-the-woods, intimate knowledge of a legend like Voelker, you get a sense of just how much one can miss by not being in the same arena, venue or age. CARPE DIEM!

Then I got to thinking about other books - besides my shared enjoyment of those mentioned by George and Bill.  I started to go over some other books I've read - and re-read - over the past few years.  So a list began to form.  But not just a list.  What began to form was a much deeper meaning than just reading good books.  There was - and remains - an intimate relationship with the books I read, the people I know, icons I wish to meet, passions I love to pursue.
Especially any of the above fortunate enough to also coincide with just about any value on the subject of FLY FISHING.
       It's not merely about literary interest ... it's vastly more important than that!!
 Here's my addition to the conversation:
 1_ Anything by Thomas McGuane .. but especially The Longest Silence. This is a book title one should read, ponder and practice.
 2_ Paul Quinnett's books: Pavlov's Trout (the quintessential book on Outdoor Ethics!); Darwin's Bass and Fishing Lessons (should be requisite for anyone taking to the water!  Paul is a clinical psychologist and developer of the QPR (Question, Persuade & Refer), Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention program. Paul knows a thing or two about the benefits of fly-fishing!
 3_ M.R. Montgomery's, Many Rivers to Cross .. wonderfully imaginative - yet at times, heart rending - a culinary delight of Western fishing for it's vanishing native lands, vistas, ecosystems and it's most desirable, cold-water citizens.
 4_ Anything by David James Duncan .. most notably for it's popularity - The River Why.  But, if you've not read his book, My Story as Told By Water - you have not found the reason for WHY, Maclean could write, "I am haunted by waters." Read it and you, too, will find your explanation.
 5_ Every word written by John Gierach! PERIOD.  The guy is a veritable Pied Piper of Fly Fishing Story. There are few writers - from any genre - whom I can read and re-read their work - on any page, at any time - for any length of time ... and enjoy it every time.  This magical aura surrounding Gierach's writing never ceases to amaze me.  He's constant in his ability to addict the reader.
 6_ And - not because this book is a piece of literary wonder, but because it keeps me in remembrance of a fine man, whom I miss very much: Tight Lines, Bright Water Water-  by Dave Engerbretson. It's a good read about a man who loved, life and enjoyed helping others do the same: in all aspects possible in the grand outdoors: freshly mowed backyard or deep wilderness. There are still times- when I find it hard to believe I cannot just email or call this jolly fellow - my good friend - of such incredible aquatic pursuance knowledge. So, I annually re-read this book... and regularly scan it for tidbits of remembrance.  It's a good habit that I shall continue to nurture.
If there's a special outdoors/fishing/fly-fishing/hunting or whatever person, who has impacted your life; who is no longer living: if they've written a book - or if only a card, letter or left you with a recording or a simple phone message: revisit it:  often. Recall their 'voice'; that energy that made them special in your life; to your life.  Keep their flame alive for you.  Then, Pass It On, to light the way for others.  Pass On... their remembrance to others, so they too, can get to know your special people.  Everyone needs to get to know special people. This is a priceless gift to the future.
Carpe Diem ! Seize every moment, every minute of every day - do so with gusto - and renew the definition of:
WHY? ...
" is such a magical place, with magical moments, made more wonderful, daily... by the magical relationships... between, man, water, fish, feather and fur."  - Sam Stovepipe, Sage of Gar Island
 Keep the passion going.  Read. Remember. Restore.

My Life As Told By Water, by David James Duncan

The River Why, by David James Duncan

Trout Bum, by John Geirach

Pavolov's Trout, by Paul Quinnett

Darwin's Bass, by Paul Quinnett

Fishing Lessons, by Paul Quinnett

The Longest Silence, by Thomas McGuane

Many Rivers To Cross, by M. R. Montgomery

Tight Lines, Bright Waters, by Dave Engerbretson

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Who Are You...?

Now, before you begin formulating an answer, give that question some time to run loose amid your neuronic synapses. Just let it run for a while - free-reign - letting it muster it's own steam and scratching away its own path.

While it's doing that - think about this:

"Can you tell anyone else the names of your great-great grand parents, where they were born, the names of their parents and their off-spring?"

If you cannot do this - do you really think that cut-loose-messenger, running amok through your brain -desperately searching for the information on Who You Are - will be able to gather the truth about YOU?

OK. So we're slumping a bit in our chair now. Go ahead, lift yourself back up and wrap your gray matter around this one.

"What do you know about the piece of land you live on right now? Yes, no matter where it is - or what it is. Whether you own it or not, can you tell another person the history - any history - even if it's only 10 years old - about that piece of land?"

Hmm. 0 for 2 are we? Ah, I see, not everyone is in a state of 'heritage shock'.

There's are a small nugget forming in the far corner, who will attempt to expatiate - at least in part- the aging components forming the history of where they currently reside.

Those of you among that special group may well, also, harbor an informed sense of your own personal heritage.

To those of you who possess such rare treasures, we uncover our heads, bow low toward you in admiration and beseech of you only one thing:

"Pray tell us, How do you know these treasures? Can we too, acquire treasures of our past? "

Please share with us your hopes, dreams - and yes, even fears, of connecting with your past. As well, if you have tips and details on how you have connected, directed or reconciled with the connections to your past - please, pass them on as well.

On Wednesday I will post the first in a series of Heritage Quotient Surveys. I will use the results of these surveys to direct my posts in this series on Heritage and Heritagekeepers and to build a better understanding of our collective Heritage Quotient (HQ) .

Thanks to all for your response and support and really look forward to your responses.

Alright, the Comment Lines are now open. I believe there will be a number of folks who will be anxious to see and hear how this topic progresses over the next few hours and days. None the least of which .. is ME!!

The Heritagekeeper

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